This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on household size and income. Read More.

Judy Pond

Judy Pond

Bookkeeper and Scheduler

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High School: Enosburg Falls High School, Enosburg Falls, VT
Graduation Year: 1987


Right out of high school, I worked as a Licensed Nursing Assistant at a local nursing home. I enjoyed making the residents feel comfortable. When I moved out of state for a few years, I worked in a medical clinic doing their billing. Returning to Enosburg, there was an opening in billing at Cold Hollow Family Practice, and I have been with the clinic since 1997.

Since working at this clinic, I have learned the different names of medications, tests and specialties. Medicine is very interesting, and I am proud to be able to help patients with questions and translate the jargon.

I think people appreciate we know their names when they come in. We try to make them feel welcome every time they come for a visit and help with whatever is going on for them.

We are a family-owned family practice. When you call here, you hear an actual voice on the other end of the line. We take pride in our service and want everyone to feel included and welcome.

Our Health Providers

Every one of our health providers is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate care to every member of your family.

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